Saturday, August 25, 2012

Peach Jam

Ross and I made peach jam today from peaches grown in our very own orchard.  So far we have nineteen half-pints made from our yellow peaches (the other seven were in the water bath at the time of the photo).  We were discussing canning some white peach halves tomorrow. We also froze a whole bunch to use in baking (along with the rest of the blueberries!).  Today is the first real payoff we've gotten from having dug those big tree holes in our rocky, Connecticut soil.  Now if we could only get the apples and pears on board…

Oh, and by the way, the best way to eat our homemade jam is on Ross' homemade bread, fresh out of the oven and warm.  

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Summer Bounty.

What a haul today from our backyard.  Peaches, blueberries, potatoes, tomatoes, eggs, and if you look very closely some bell pepper seeds (for next year).  This doesn't even count what Ross used in making dinner-salad (lettuce), parsley potatoes (potatoes, garlic, and parsley from the herb garden), and sausage and peppers (bell pepper).  The only cost to our dinner was the sausage, some butter, and the fuel to cook it all.  While Ross did some chicken herding this evening, I picked the blueberries and the peaches.  This is the first really productive batch we've gotten from both fruits since we planted the trees and bushes several years ago.  God has been good to us this year.  I wish we could say the same for all those suffering in the drought!  Bless you all.