Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer is here...

Summer is here and it feels like it is going by quick. The garden is doing well. We had an abundant amount of peas so far. I think Shannon might be getting tired of peas. The tomato plants are doing well, along with the other vegetables. It is exciting each year to start eating the bounties of our labor. This year was the first time we were able to harvest enough blue berries to make muffins. Yum! I think I ate more than Shannon did. Oops! They are my weakness. 

Speaking of things growing…two little babies are growing like weeds! One look at Mr. Whiggins, & Dahlia Blue, they melt your heart. We had family visit recently and great grandma was charmed by the two rascals. It is nice to hear the pitter patter of little feet running across the wood floors.