Saturday, February 26, 2011

Unintended Barchelor!

For the last couple of days I have been an unintended bachelor.  Ross went to Ohio for his Grandmother's funeral; I was not able to attend.  This has left me home alone and acting as a single parent to our puppy, kitties, and little cluckers. 

Ross and I have a running joke that when he is tired of cooking then it's my night to cook.  This means we eat out!  With Ross gone I have been eating out more than I care too so I decided to make my own breakfast.  It's said that a picture says a thousand words.  I'm not quite sure what all thousand of those would be when looking at the picture above, but many of them would be about my cooking prowess and the lack thereof.  (That is not a haze in the picture but smoke; I filled the whole house with it!).  Overall it wasn't a bad breakfast, but I did slightly burn the sausage, the egg, and the English muffin.  I guess I would have burned the yogurt too if it were possible.  Ross returns today just in time to save me from burning down the house.  Can I get a hallelujah?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Legacy of Food.

My Sito (Lebanese for grandmother) passed away in her sleep last night. She left behind a legacy of cooking great meals.  She showed all of us her love by spending an abundant amount of her time in the kitchen.  She would make wonderful meals that sometimes would take days on end to create.  She would fret over you once you walked in her door and ask "are you hungry" and "can I get you something?" We never left her home hungry.  As a small child and throughout my childhood I would often watch her in the kitchen and ask her what she was doing.  She would often explain to me what she was doing, and would let me watch her cook up a storm.  While the guys would watch football on the television I was in the kitchen with her.  She taught me how to make many Lebanese dishes, and other dishes too.  I am glad I can recreate the wonderful smells of my childhood.  Thank you Sito.  Rest in peace.