Spring is here and with it comes chore after chore. Many are fun, such as starting the garden seeds (which Ross started quite a while ago and is still ongoing). Others are bit laborious.
This year I decided that I wanted to build a wood shed. Well not exactly a wood shed, as the property that it sits on is designated as "undeveloped" for tax purposes. I did not want to build a permanent structure and toy with messing up this blessing (it's a small story and we'd be glad to share it with you over a glass of wine). So I built this quasi-structure with left over poles from the electric fence and some two by fours. It's good enough to keep the wood at the bottom from soaking in mud and then being frozen to the ground in the winter. Of course since I built it, I felt the need to get some wood on it. I split almost all the wood that is on it today. I think I'm going to feel sorry for that a bit later. Thank God that some of it was already dry and easy to split! What you can't see are the two huge trees laying in front of it that I dropped and still need to cut up and split. I will have this baby filled in no time.
On another note. Ross' baking endeavor is heating up. He has had some large orders as of late and repeat customers. I have my fingers crossed for him. He is a natural at the baking, but the business part of it is where he has room to grow. I try to stay out of it as I don't want him to feel like I am his manager; I chime in as a pushy mentor. He has moved forward on several steps that he needs to accomplish as part of starting this growing business. He makes me so proud.
Lastly, it makes me so happy to see things pushing up all over. The daffodils are up, the forsythia is in full bloom, and just recently our bluebells and hyacinths have popped out. I can see the trees start to leaf. The bees are in a frenzy. Life is just pushing forward at full strength. It is such a glorious time of year. I keep telling myself to just stop and take a moment to take it all in. And then that nagging voice in the back of my head tells me that there is more wood that needs split. Oh well, I guess I better get back to my Spring chores.
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