Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Momentous Week

Max turned six months old on May 8th.  Happy half birthday little guy. And your present...

We had Max neutered on Thursday. Both Ross and I were concerned about him going under anesthesia.  I felt better after dropping him off at the vet as they explained that they would do some blood work on him first to ensure he should be fine with the sedative. He made it through his procedure with flying colors.  If I didn't know any better, I wouldn't think that anything was different.  He has all the pep and onerousness that he had before.  His biggest fun is eating paper and cardboard.  I had him in the bathroom with me as I was cleaning the bathtub and the next thing I new he was chomping on the toilet paper (so cliche Max).   And, speaking of bathrooms...

We are almost finished with our bathroom renovation.  We finished painting the bathroom last weekend.  Every night this past week we spent placing the backerboard and floor tile. I was able to get the tile grouted on Friday evening which allowed us to get the toilet and sink in on Saturday.  We officially have a functional bathroom.  All that's left is to install the trim and some paint touchups. The change makes me feel so good that I find myself just standing in the doorway taking it all in.  It is a dramatic difference from what we inherited when we bought the place.  The best part is that this was the last room in the house that needed a major remodel.  Now all that's left are some minor renovations and basic maintenance.  Happy happy, joy joy!

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