It's been a chilly weekend. I'm laying on the floor in front of a fire typing on the laptop with Cloe laying in her bed at my feet. Bootsy is all sleepy eyed on the couch laying on an afghan Ross' mom made. As I look up and out our front plate glass window I can see a light snow falling as illuminated by the glow of our Christmas lights. Carols are playing in the background. I smell a mixture of fresh pine from our Christmas tree and Ross' nut roll baking in the kitchen. It is a picture perfect moment.
It has been a Christmas weekend. We got the decorations down from the attic and started decorating. During Thanksgiving weekend I had placed some illuminated orb decorations on the pine tree in our front yard (I had put the same ornaments on a tree at work last year and loved it so much I duplicated the look here). On Friday I started to put lights on the eaves of the house. I did the same last year with LED lights but was never satisfied with the look because the lights were too crisp and cool. I wanted something more warm so I went with traditional bulbs this year. I love how they look. Now all we need is a coating of snow to stick to finish the look!
I wasn't able to finish the lights Friday night. I didn't think Ross would be keen on me climbing on the roof in the dark so I held off. It was a good stay at home project for Saturday which turned out to be beneficial as Ross woke up with a major migraine at 5:30 in the morning. He was out of commission for the entire morning and only got back half his steam during the afternoon. That gave me time to finish the lights and do some odd jobs. We spent the evening doing all the miscellaneous decorating except the tree. I was hoping to go get our tree at some point Saturday, but with Ross' headache it wasn't meant to be.
Ross awoke today feeling fine so our tree hunt was on. We had a light breakfast and then got ready to go. We headed to Angevine farm in Warren which is a hunt and cut your own tree place. We walked through field after field looking at trees. Each field a bit more downhill from the last. We headed back uphill through some other fields till we made it back to the beginning. We saw a couple of contenders, but found the tree we would take just yards away from where we started (go figure). We got the tree home and spent the afternoon decorating it. I love having the house decorated for Christmas. It just makes a house feel even more like a home. Now all we have to do is get the presents that go under the tree. Does anyone know where I can get some coal? (just kidding!)
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