It has been a nice weekend. Not much to write about which given last weekend is a treat. Ross and I went grocery shopping for our Thanksgiving meal. We have everything but the bird which he will pick up Tuesday (we order a fresh, organic, free range turkey every year from a specialty grocery store in Northville).
Saturday was sunny and mild so I used the break from the cold to start hanging up Christmas lights. Having never owned a house before this one, I really enjoy having Christmas lights; it feels like a right of passage. After I lit them to test them someone drove by, rolled down their window, and mentioned how nice they looked. Immediate positive feedback is nice. I also love living somewhere where other people acknowledge that you exist.
We spent today outdoors also. Ross worked some more on the chicken coop; he has been fortifying where the chicken wire sections meet so that nothing can break through. He also came up with an idea to modify the nesting box which will make it even harder for a large predator to attack the chickens if it should break off the new door. My man is always thinking!
I pulled out the chain saw and cut up a tree that we felled earlier this year. When we originally cut it down it was in an area full of brambles. This is the same area that Ross has been clearing over the last few weeks. He has been waiting on me to get the tree out of his way so I obliged. We both worked on splitting it and getting it into the firewood pile. Looks like we are going to have a lot of firewood next year!
Speaking of fires, we lit the fireplace Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It was nice and cozy resting in front of a roaring fire. I was going to light one tonight but got sidetracked sweeping and dusting. There's no rest for the obsessive compulsive!
It's been a quiet weekend, and given last week's antics a quiet weekend was just what we needed.
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