Peach season is here on the farm! Oh the excitement! Today, Shannon picked peaches from the Saturn peach tree and shared a couple with the chickens. Lucky girls! The other peach trees are almost ready. Earlier in the season the hardest part was waiting for them to ripen. All I could think about was biting into a juicy peach fresh off the tree while sweet, peach juice dripped down my chin. Yum! When peach season arrives, I start to think of peach pies, cobblers, muffins, pancakes, crepes, canning, and other treats. I have to admit that my favorite way to eat a peach is still fresh off the tree.
Throughout the early summer our sons would often ask if the peaches were ready. Now they can finally pick and eat peaches fresh off the tree themselves. It's exciting to watch them bite into their first peaches of the season. Of course we will share with the chickens, and Max the dog too. Oh the joys of farm life.